How to Move to Spain with No Money in 2023 [ Six Ways ]

Spain is a popular destination for many people who want to enjoy its sunny weather, rich culture, and delicious cuisine. But moving to a new country can be challenging, especially if you don’t have much money to spare. Fortunately, there are some ways to make your dream of living in Spain a reality without breaking the bank. Here are some tips on how to move to Spain with no money in 2023.

1. Become an Au Pair

One of the easiest and most rewarding ways to move to Spain with no money is to become an au pair. An au pair is a young person who helps with child care or house care in exchange for some pocket money and a roof over their head. You can find many families who are looking for an au pair through websites like Au Pair or agencies that specialize in this service.

Becoming an au pair can give you many benefits, such as:

  • Learning Spanish and experiencing the local culture
  • Making new friends and connections
  • Having free time to explore the country or pursue your hobbies
  • Saving money on rent and food

However, you should also be aware of the challenges and responsibilities of being an au pair, such as:

  • Adapting to a different family and lifestyle
  • Working around the kids’ schedule and needs
  • Dealing with homesickness and culture shock
  • Having limited privacy and independence

Before you apply for an au pair position, make sure you do your research and find a suitable family that matches your expectations and preferences. You should also check the visa requirements and regulations for working as an au pair in Spain, depending on your nationality and duration of stay.

2. Volunteer through Workaway

Another option for moving to Spain with no money is to volunteer through Workaway, a platform that connects travelers with hosts who offer accommodation and meals in exchange for work. You can find many different types of volunteer opportunities in Spain, such as:

  • Painting houses, gardening, or renovating
  • Taking care of animals, farms, or eco-projects
  • Teaching English, yoga, or other skills
  • Helping with hospitality, tourism, or social projects

Volunteering through Workaway can allow you to:

  • Discover new places and cultures
  • Learn new skills and languages
  • Meet like-minded people and make friends
  • Contribute to a good cause or a community

However, you should also be prepared for the challenges and drawbacks of volunteering through Workaway, such as:

  • Working long hours or doing hard labor
  • Having no income or insurance
  • Facing communication or cultural barriers
  • Having no guarantee or protection from scams or abuse

Before you sign up for a Workaway project, make sure you read the reviews and feedback from previous volunteers and hosts. You should also communicate clearly with your host about the expectations, conditions, and rules of the exchange. It’s important to find out the visa requirements and regulations for volunteering in Spain, based on your nationality and length of stay.

3. Apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa3. Apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa

A third option is to apply for a non-lucrative visa, which is a type of residence permit that allows you to live in Spain without working or studying. You can apply for this visa if you have enough savings or passive income to support yourself for at least one year. The minimum amount required varies depending on your situation and location, but it is usually around 25,000 euros per person per year.

Applying for a non-lucrative visa can give you the freedom to:

  • Live in Spain legally and indefinitely (as long as you renew your visa every year)
  • Travel within the Schengen area without restrictions
  • Enjoy the benefits of the Spanish healthcare and education system
  • Start your own business or work remotely (with some limitations)

However, you should also be aware of the difficulties and costs of applying for a non-lucrative visa, such as:

  • Gathering all the necessary documents and proofs of income
  • Paying the application fees and taxes
  • Waiting for several months for the approval
  • Dealing with bureaucracy and paperwork

You need to do some homework and get professional advice from an immigration lawyer or consultant before you apply for a non-lucrative visa. Also, plan your budget and research the living expenses in Spain. Depending on where you come from and how long you plan to stay, make sure you look into the visa rules and conditions.

4. Work in a Bar (With Accommodation)

Another way is to work in a bar that offers accommodation as part of the deal. You can find many bars and pubs in Spain that are looking for staff, especially in the tourist areas and during the summer season. You can search for bar jobs online or by walking around and asking in person.

Working in a bar can allow you to:

  • Earn some money and tips
  • Practice your Spanish and English skills
  • Have fun and socialize with customers and colleagues
  • Experience the nightlife and culture of Spain

However, you should also be prepared for the challenges and drawbacks of working in a bar, such as:

  • Working long and late hours
  • Doing hard and stressful work
  • Having no contract or insurance
  • Having no privacy or comfort in your accommodation

Before you accept a bar job, make sure you check the conditions and terms of the offer. Depending on where you come from and how long you plan to stay, make sure you look into the visa rules and conditions for working in a bar in Spain.

5. Teach English as a Foreign Language

A good way for moving to Spain with no money is to teach English as a foreign language, which is a high-demand and rewarding profession in Spain. You can find many opportunities to teach English in schools, academies, companies, or privately. You can also obtain a TEFL certificate online or in person to boost your chances of finding a job.

Teaching English as a foreign language can allow you to:

  • Make a difference in people’s lives
  • Share your knowledge and culture
  • Learn from your students and colleagues
  • Develop your professional and personal skills

However, you should also be prepared for the challenges and requirements of teaching English as a foreign language, such as:

  • Having a degree or a TEFL certificate
  • Possessing an English proficiency at the native or near-native level
  • Demonstrating enthusiasm and patience for teaching
  • Having a flexible and adaptable attitude

Before you start teaching English as a foreign language, make sure you do your research and compare the different options and employers that offer this opportunity. You might also check the visa requirements and regulations for teaching English as a foreign language in Spain, depending on your nationality and duration of stay.

One of the best ways to find a teaching job in Spain is through the Auxiliar de Conversacion program, which is aimed at native English speakers who want to assist Spanish teachers in the classroom. The program allows you to choose from different schools in various Spanish cities and towns. You will receive a monthly stipend of around 700 euros and work around 16 hours per week. The program will also help you with finding accommodation and getting settled in Spain.

However, you should also be aware that the program has some limitations and challenges, such as:

  • Being required to apply well in advance and fulfill the eligibility criteria
  • Having to pay for your flight, accommodation, and living expenses for the first month
  • Navigating through bureaucracy and handling paperwork
  • Having to adapt to different teaching styles and expectations

If you are interested in applying for the Auxiliar de Conversacion program, make sure you visit their official website and follow their instructions carefully. You should also plan ahead and save enough money for your initial expenses. You can also supplement your income by doing some freelance or online work on the side.

6. Retire in Spain

A sixth option for moving to Spain with no money is to retire in Spain, which is a very popular choice for many expats who want to enjoy a low cost of living, a great climate, and excellent healthcare. Spain offers a variety of options for retirement living, from the Mediterranean coast to the inland cities.

Retiring in Spain can allow you to:

  • Live in a beautiful and diverse country
  • Benefit from the Spanish healthcare and social security system
  • Access the Schengen area and other EU countries easily
  • Join a welcoming and vibrant community of locals and expats

However, you should also be prepared for the challenges and requirements of retiring in Spain, such as:

  • Having enough income or savings to support yourself without working
  • Having a valid visa or residence permit
  • Paying taxes in Spain or your home country
  • Learning Spanish and adapting to the culture

Before you retire in Spain, make sure you do your research and plan ahead. You should also check the visa requirements and regulations for retiring in Spain, depending on your nationality and duration of stay.

One of the best visas for retiring in Spain is the non-lucrative visa, which we have already explained above. Another option is the golden visa, which is a type of residence permit that grants you access to Spain and the Schengen area if you invest at least 500,000 euros in real estate or other assets in Spain. You can find more information about the golden visa here.

Additionally, you may be eligible for some benefits that can help you stretch your budget further while living in Spain. For example, if you pay social security contributions (SSC) in Spain, which are similar to national insurance contributions (NIC) in the UK, you can access free healthcare in Spain. Likewise, if you receive a UK state pension, you can still get annual increases based on the UK pay rate, even if you live in Spain.

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Moving to Spain with no money is not impossible, but it requires some creativity, flexibility, and determination. Whether you choose to become an au pair, volunteer through Workaway, or apply for a non-lucrative visa, or other options mentioned above you can find a way to make your Spanish dream come true. However, you should also be realistic and prepared for the challenges and risks that come with moving to a new country with little or no money. Remember to do your research, follow the rules, and enjoy the journey! You can refer to our blog about how much money do you need to move to Spain for more information.

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